2019-09-20 | BY James Bosbotinis
Barring a strategic shock, it is likely that the UK will in the coming years, develop a more active regional posture in the Indo-Pacific.
2019-09-16 | BY SCSPI
On September 13th 2019, the USS Wayne E. Meyer (DDG-108) intruded into waters around the Paracel Islands(Xisha Islands) ,which constitutes a sixth island or reef-intrusive FONOP by U.S naval warships in the South China Sea since 2019, and also the second time in a month that USS Wayne E. Meyer conducted such operation in South China Sea.
2019-09-09 | BY Lei Xiaolu
Respecting the wills and efforts of regional states, maintaining the peace and stable development of the South China Sea, and deepening cooperation in a wider area in the South China Sea show where the future goes. Countries outside the region should see the determination and ability of their counterparts in the South China Sea and foster a favorable atmosphere for regional countries to manage maritime dispute settlements and promote pragmatic cooperation.
2019-09-05 | BY SCSPI
On the surface, the USCG features weaker firepower and is thus helpful in neutralizing sensitivity. In effect, however, it is more likely to trigger further escalation of tensions.
2019-08-29 | BY Hu Bo
These six kinds of military operations themselves in the South China Sea are not news and not surprising, but, the abnormal increase in their frequency, intensity, and pertinence to China in recent years, deserves intensive attention.