2020-07-13 | BY Zheng Zhihua, Wu Jingnan
This article and the following two articles try to re-examine Hayton‘s research on the history of South China Sea, which is intended to reduce some prejudices and misunderstandings, and to promote a more balanced understanding of the history of the South China Sea.

2020-07-08 | BY SCSPI
On one hand, Vietnam repeatedly declares to take measures against IUU fishing; but on the other, it acquiesces in or even pampers its fishing vessels in doing so.

Does a country’s ADIZ have to be related to its territorial sovereignty and maritime boundary?

2020-06-09 | BY SCSPI
As China kicked off summer fishing moratorium, Vietnamese fishing vessels surged in May.

2020-05-10 | BY SCSPI
The activities of Vietnam’s fishing vessels remain one of the most intensive in the South China Sea, no matter in terms of scope or quantity.

2020-04-30 | BY Chen Xiangmiao
Vietnam’s strategy of playing the victim deliberately amplifies China’s power advantage, making China a “bully” at sea so that it can gain sympathy and support from the international community when it conducts unilateral activities in Spratly Islands such as island/reef fortification and oil/gas exploitation.

2020-04-08 | BY SCSPI
As the new fishing season approached and the weather turned to be better, the activities of Vietnamese fishing vessels skyrocketed all over the South China Sea in March.

2020-03-23 | BY SCSPI
Recently, the SCSPI has released several reports on Vietnamese fishing vessels, indicating that hundreds of them are intruding into the waters around Hainan Island, about which some experts especially Vietnamese colleagues have different opinions. We hereby make such following formal responses.