The “RSIS-SCSPI Roundtable Discussion on South China Sea” was held between the S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies (RSIS) and delegation of the South China Sea Strategic Situation Probing Initiative(SCSPI) headed by Director Hu Bo, at Holiday Inn Singapore Atrium, on January 13, 2020.
Prof. Ralf Emmers, Dean of RSIS, giving his welcoming remarks
This Roundtable was hosted by Prof. Ralf Emmers, Dean of RSIS, gathering a total of 30 scholars and experts, including Emeritus Prof. Geoffery Till.

SCSPI Director Hu Bo elaborating on the current situation of the South China Sea

Associate Professor Lei Xiaolu delivering her keynote address on “Prospects and Challenges for COC”

Dr Cao Qun delivering his keynote address on “Enforcing Maritime Rules and Norms at Sea”
The Roundtable turned out as a valuable exchange of insights, during which multiple hot issues, such as the strategic situation of the South China Sea and COC negotiation, were candidly discussed.

The RSIS-SCSPI Roundtable Discussion on the South China Sea, Jan 13, 2020